Saturday, February 14, 2009

Happy Valentines!

I love...
watching you grow and change every day
the talks we have on the way to school as we drink our coffee and milk
rocking you to sleep every night
when you come running to me, when I pick you up at the end of the day
watching you play
taking you on wagon rides
watching you gobble up all your food
reading you stories
chasing you through the house when we play tag
watching you and your Daddy play
bath time
watching you sleep
snuggling with you even if it is just for a minutes because you are one busy boy
listening to you laugh and talk


Magen said...

That is so sweet! He has grown so much since we were there. He is such a sweet and special little boy. We love him so much! Give him a big hug and kiss for me!
Love you,
Aunt Magen

Nana Norrid said...

Hey Colton hope you enjoyed your suckers and clothes Nana and Poopaw sent you for Valentines. We will see you soon we love you all very much.

Nana and Poopaw

leahknick said...

So sweet!!!