Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Booboo and Bubbles

Colton got his first head scrape at the park today.
He was such a trooper, he only cried for a few minutes. :)

Colton likes to catch bubbles in the kitchen.


Mike & Sharon said...

Poor little Colton...but handsome even with booboo...
We miss being there, I could hold him and cuddle him and kiss his booboo.

Mike and Sharon

angie said...

I am so sorry he got a boo boo. But boys get many, he does look like a trooper.

GeeGee said...

Sorry about your little booboo. I'm sure you were a tough little guy. Can't believe how big you are getting and how much you are doing. Can't wait to see you in a few weeks. We love you all.