Sunday, February 1, 2009


On the way to get his much needed haircut!
Bye bye, long hair!
The butterscotch sucker seemed to distract him from what was going on.

Our handsome, little big boy!

Colton got his first and much needed haircut today. I have been ready to take him for awhile, but Jacob has been a little bit stubborn on this issue! So today I said we are taking him, because he is starting to look like a little girl, a pretty one I might add. So off we went to Cool Cuts for Kids. Colton did an awesome job, he did not cry at all, he just set in the car and and sucked on a buttterscotch sucker. If you notice he is wearing his Pitsburgh Steelers jersery for the big game tonight!


Nana Norrid said...

Hey little man the haircut is awesome you are so handsome. So glad your haircut wasn't terrifying and that jersey you are wearing was good luck to PooPaw because his Steelers won the Super Bowl Yea!!!!!!!!!!!!!

We Love you Nana and PooPaw

Magen said...

He looks absolutely precious with his haircut! Poor Jacob, maybe he will get used to it soon :) Glad that the Steelers won, Colton's jersey was the good luck charm!
Love ya lots,
Aunt Magen