Wednesday, January 28, 2009

How you got your name...

Today as you lay sleeping in your bed taking your morning nap, I was taking advantage of having the day off and doing some cleaning. As I was cleaning I came a across a list that your dad and I had made of possible names for our little "spot". (Deep down I knew you were a boy from the moment I found out that I was having a baby.) We had always thought that we were going to name a little boy Colby Lane, which is the middle names of both your daddy and I. But I had a little boy with the same first name when I taught first grade and I just couldn't name my future baby this! So before we knew if your were going to be a boy or a girl we came up with some names on which we really could not agree. Your Daddy liked the name Karson for either a boy or a girl. I liked the name Karlee Brooke for a girl and Wyatt or Cash for a boy.

One day we were looking at a baby name book and saw the name Colton and I just knew that was going to be your name. I liked this name because I had never had a student named this nor did I know anyone named this. I had to convince your Daddy, but after I nagged at him for a couple of days, he to liked it. So that is how you got your first name.

As I lay on the couch one day watching T.V. it just hit me, that your middle name had to be James. This is a family name on my side. Two of the men who mean the most to me in this world also share this name with you. You are named after your Poopaw and your Papa. You also had a great great grandad named James. I figured you would always have your Daddy's last name so you needed something from me.Your Daddy being the great guy that he is said that he thought James would be a perfect middle name. I am sure you will live up to your middle name. I already see characteristics that you share with these two men that I call Dad and Grandad, you share your spunk, your temper, and your determination with them!

So sweet little boy if you ever wonder how your name came about, you can read this post and know. You weren't named after a movie star or an athlete you were named out of love by your Mom and Dad! We love you Colton James Smith!


leahknick said...

That is the sweetest post I've ever read! And Colton James is the sweetest boy! :)

Magen said...

That is so sweet! Colton is so special and we just love him so much! We are going to have the best time during spring break!
Love always,
Aunt Magen and Uncle Micah

Nana Norrid said...

Erica this is such a wonderful post you just have a way with words. Keep up the good work on Making Memories we so enjoy it and the pictures are also wonderful thanks to yall for our blessing.

Love Nana and PooPaw

GeeGee said...

Thank you for such a wonderful post. PaPa was very proud when he read about his name and what you mean to him. Thank you for bringing us such a sweet little boy to love. We love all of you very much.

GeGe and PaPa