Saturday, January 24, 2009

Colton's One Year Picture

Colton is getting to be such a big boy! He now prefers walking or running to crawling. He never sits still! Colton likes to play in his room with his blocks or you can find him reading all of his board books. He weights 23 pounds and is 29 inches long. Colton has such a good personality, the majority of the time he is a really happy little boy. He can say, mama, dada, bite, bye, ball and papa.


Magen said...

I just love that picture of him! Wish we were still there so that I could play blocks with him! Bet yall have had a fun weekend with Nana and Poopaw. Talk to ya soon.
Aunt Magen

Cason said...

I can't believe he is already one!!!! And, I haven't even met him. He's absolutely adorable!!!

angie said...

he has grown so much in the last year. He is soooo cute. Your such a good mommy to him you so be very proud.