Saturday, December 13, 2008


December is going by so fast! We have been busy lately, getting ready for a house full of family we are going to have for the holidays. Sparky also know as Jacob has been busy putting up lights and the Christmas tree. Colton loves to unplug it every chance he gets. We finally found a toy box that we liked for Colton's birthday. Jacob is going to stain it, so it matches his bedroom furniture. I can not believe we are buying his first birthday present already. I will post pictures of it later. He is such a busy body. He took his first steps on Thanksgiving day, but starting this past Monday he has really taken off, at times he runs! I ran in a 5k race today. It was also a Reindeer Romp. I am very proud of my self I ran it in 20:22! That is the fastest time I have ever ran in my life! :) Erica


Nana Norrid said...

Congratulations on your race that was awesome time. Looks like ya'll are wearing that boy out with all the christmas going ons. Tell Sparky not to be kicking the reindeer if they don't light up.

Love Mom and Nana

Magen said...

That is an amazing time! I bet Jacob loves putting up all of the decorations :), when I told Micah that I was putting up the tree, he immediately remebered something that he just had to go! Those pictures are precious. Glad to see that Colton and Hoss are getting to be friends!
Love ya,
Aunt Magen

The Pierce Family said...

Wooo - great time on your 5K! I love your pictures. I can't believe Colton is SOOO big and almost a year old. Geesh!