Saturday, December 6, 2008

Reindeer Romp

Gunnar, Dina, Leah, Anna and I
Anna and I with Coach Knick!

Before the race.

After the race.
My friends Anna, Leah and I traveled to Denton on Friday night to the Reindeer Romp. Anna and I were running in the race and Lea went with us for moral support and to coach us. Dina and her son Gunnar, who is 4 were doing the 2.5 walk, also joined us. It was so cold, I thought my hands and feet were going to fall of. My nose was so cold it turned bright red, how fitting since it was the Reindeer Romp. The race was 4.2 cold miles! It was through a park and neighborhood that was all decorated for Christmas. I am not for sure what my exact time was but it was around 36 minutes and 17 seconds. Anna was only seconds behind me! She is such a trooper and she kept me on my toes! :)


leahknick said...

That was so much fun...and cold! You girls are awesome! I feel privileged to be your coach! :)

Nana Norrid said...

Congratulations girls on the good job and thank to Coach Knick for cheering ya'll on.

Nana Norrid