Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Happy 11 Months Colton James

Today is your 11 month birthday! You have brought so much love into your family's life. When you first came into this world you kept us up all night, now you keep us on our toes...

We love you so much!

I guess we need to Colton Proof the house! :)


Magen said...

Happy 11 month birthday baby boy! Looks like those chips are yummy... Can't wait to see you!
Love you lots,
Aunt Magen

GeeGee said...

Happy Eleventh Month day sweet boy. I don't think that you have begun to show Mamma and Daddy what you can get into. They are going to have their hands full. Can't wait to see you on Christmas. Your such a big boy GeGe probably won't be able to pick you up. By then you will be walking and can climb on my lap. We love you.

leahknick said...

That's my kinda boy! He loves his snacks! :) What a sweetheart!!

Nana Norrid said...

Happy 11th month b/day. Give em heck:)Nana and Poopaw love you so much can't wait to see you at Christmas.

All our love
Nana and Poopaw