Monday, December 1, 2008

Thanksgiving Day for a 10 month old...

I want some turkey and ham!

Colton's first Thanksgiving meal.

Fun and games in the laundry basket.

All that turkey and fun made him so tired!

We went to Grumps and Grammie's house for Thanksgiving. We got to see Aunt Brandi and Maw-Maw to. Thanksgiving was a very big day for Little Mister, he took his first steps! He was holding on to the Christmas tree box that was in the middle of the floor, then he let go and took two steps towards the TV and turned the channel, the Jonas Brothers were playing at the Dallas Cowboy's half time show. I guess he doesn't like them! It was priceless! He gobbled up all the Thanksgiving food that we had to feast on. He is such a good eater! :)


Magen said...

So glad yall had a good time! Wish I could have seen his first steps! He is getting so big, it is so hard to believe that hes almost 11 months old!
Love ya lots,
Aunt Magen

Nana Norrid said...

Look's like ya'll had a very nice Thanksgiving and yummy food it was so nice to see ya'll on the holiday. We love yall

Nana and Poopaw

leahknick said...

What a sweet little guy! I can't believe he is taking his first steps! Where does the time go??