Sunday, December 14, 2008

In the drivers seat!

Colton and his Daddy back the truck in for me every night, so it will be easier to get him in his car seat in the mornings. I hope Colton is a better driver then I am! :)


Nana Norrid said...

Oh my you have grown up before our eyes already driving. Wear your seatbelt and drive safe.

Love Nana and Poopaw

angie said...

He is getting so big. It seems like yesterday he was born. Cherish every moment because in a blink of the eye they grow up.

From Angie (in the lunch room)

Magen said...

He is getting SOOO big! Before long he will be trying to back the pickup in by himself!
Love ya,
Aunt Magen

leahknick said...

Ahhh, what sweet guys you have!! :)