Sunday, December 28, 2008

Colton's First Christmas

Colton had a wonderful first Christmas. Nana, Poopaw, Grumps, Grammie, GiGi, Papa, Maw Maw, and Aunt Brandi all came to our house for Christmas. I was a little afraid that it was going to be like the movie Christmas Vacation but it turned out much better! Colton did not really know what was going on, he acted like he was a little over whelmed by all the presents he got. He would open a present and want to play with it but there would be another one to open. Santa brought him a red wagon, an Elmo Chair, books, pajamas, and Elmo house shoes. He got so many toys and clothes from everyone. He surprised us all by riding his Little Quad all by him self! We showed him once were the button was and off he went! We had a lot of fun playing GiGi and Papa's Wii. GiGi is a bowling champ! We also had a lot of fun playing with Elmo Live, he is so cute. It was so much fun having everyone here to spend Colton's first Christmas with. Maw Maw said that this was the best Christmas she has had in years, I thought that was so sweet! We have 361 more days to get ready for next year!


leahknick said...

Merry Christmas sweet friend!! I am so glad that Colton's first Christmas was the best ever! I know that he had so much fun and is zooming around on his little toy. Watch your toes! :)

Magen said...

I am so glad that yall had a wonderful Christmas! I am so excited about getting to see you soon!!!! I miss yall SOOOO much. We are going to have a blast. Colton is the most handsome little man I have ever seen! I bet he loves playing with all of his new toys.
Love ya and see ya soon,
Aunt Magen

Nana Norrid said...

This was one of Nana and PooPaw best Christmas ever. Colton hope you had a very Merry Christmas and we loved spending it with all the family. All our love and kisses

Love Nana and PooPaw

GeeGee said...

We all had a blast watching our little man open up all his toys. He will find out how to play with all of them before long. We all had such a nice time spending Colton's first Christmas with him and the rest of the family, of course he was the center of attention. Hope he has a very Happy Birthday on the 3rd.

GiGi and PaPa

angie said...

Merrry Christmas and happy new year to you all. Colton looked like he had fun.