Saturday, January 3, 2009

Happy First Birthday!

Colton James we love you with all our heart and soul! You have been a blessing from God! -Mama and Daddy


leahknick said...

Happy first birthday Colton!!!

Magen said...

Happy 1st Birthday! It it is so hard to believe that you are a year old, time has flown by! We are SOO excited about coming in a couple of weeks!
Love you so much!
Aunt Magen and Uncle Micah

GeeGee said...

Colton it is hard to believe you have been with us for a whole year. You are such a sweet little boy and getting so grown up. We love you so much and can't wait until we can see you again.

All Our Love,
GiGi and PaPa

angie said...

Happy Birthday to you Colton! You are growing so fast.

Nana Norrid said...

I am so glad I got to spend yet another month birthday with you and the most special of all your first birthday and hope to get to spend many more with you. We love you very much. Hugs and Kisses:)

Love Nana and Poopaw