Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Where have the last 14 months went?

It is hard to believe that he is 14 months old today!
Thanks to Nana for reminding his forgetful mother!
I wish time would slow down. :)


Magen said...

Oh my gosh..... He looks like such a big boy in this picture. That makes me sad :( He is growing tooooo fast! I am super excited about seeing you in a week and a half! Can't wait!!
Love ya lots,
Aunt Magen

angie said...

It goes by so fast, cherish every moment.....

Nana Norrid said...

Its just that Nana doesn't have as much to think about as Coltons Momma does. All our love 14 month old little boy.

All Our Love
Hugs and Kisses

Nana and Poopaw

Cason said...

Oh my goodness! I can't believe he's 14 months old! That will be Ethan long before I'm ready for sure! He's just precious, Erica and I know you & Jake are so proud and are enjoying him immensely!!