Sunday, March 1, 2009

25 Random Things About Me

1. I can't go to sleep if the closet door is open in our room.
2. I am a horrible speller, my second graders are helping me out with this.
3. I hated to run in high school.
3. Jacob and I met in a pasture.
4. I will not eat pork chops, all because I dissected a baby pig in the 8th grade.
5. I could eat cereal for every meal.
6. I feel that I have an old soul. My most dearest friends are 15+ years older then me.
7. I talk to my mom everyday, even if it is just to say hi.
8. I hate birds, they are so gross.
9. I love to watch 48 Hours Mysteries and Dateline.
10. I would love to be a detective, but I am a chicken and hate blood.
11. I don't consider myself a democrat or a republican.
12. I collect JFK memorabilia.
13. I don't like to lose.
14. I absolutely love being an only child.
15. On April 5th I will accomplish something I never thought I would!
16. If I have another baby someday, I want a little brother for Colton and Hoss.
17. I had never had surgery of any kind until I had an emergency c-section.
18. I hated being pregnant but loved the end result more then anything I could imagine.
19. I love the smell and look of a clean bathroom.
20. If I am ever a millionaire I will have fresh sheets and new socks every day.
21. I would move back to Lubbock if teachers made as much money there as they do here.
22. I don't much care for the sport of baseball.
23. I hate to fold laundry.
24. I wish we would of traveled a little more before Colton was born.
25. Someday I want a house that has a wrap around porch with 2 white rocking chairs on it that over looks a huge open pasture.

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