Thursday, August 7, 2008

Jake's Pool

Jacob is so proud of his pool. After searching all over the metroplex for a pool, he finally ordered one online. Every store that he went to, told him that pools were seasonal and that they had already taken them off the shelves. Never mind the 105 degree heat, we have been having! As soon as he got home from work he had to fill it up and get in! Lesson learned, buy your pool when it is 45 degrees outside! :)


leahknick said...

WOW!!! That is a Deluxe Adult Lounge! I hope it brings you as much joy as mine has brought me! :)

leahknick said...

P.S. Now Jacob can work on that farmer's tan. :)

leahknick said...

I love your yummy foods blog, but I couldn't comment there, so I wanted to let you know that you rock!! :)