Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Luck Number 7

Colton, you are 7 months old! These last 7 months have flown by, even though we have had a few sleepless nights! You mean the world to us, we are so lucky to be your parents! When I think back to our life before you came along, I think about how boring it was! Here are 7 things about you, that we just can't get enough of!

7. Your love for the outdoors and water!

6. Your strong will!

5. When you chase Hoss around in your walker!

4. The way you light up, when someone you love walks in the room!

3. Your beautiful blue eyes and big smile!

2. Your giggle! It is the best sound in the world, I wish I could bottle it up and give everyone some!

1. YOU!


leahknick said...

Happy 7 month birthday Colton!!! You are so loved!!!

Magen said...

I can't believe that sweet boy is 7 months old! Uncle Micah and I can't wait to see yall next weekend. Give Colton a big kiss from us!!!
We love you,
Aunt Magen and Uncle Micah