Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Happy Half A Year, Sweet Boy!

This post is a little late, since his 6 month birthday was on July 3rd. He now weighs in at 17 pounds, 5 ounces and is 26 1/2 inches long! (He sure has come along way from 4 pounds, 9 ounces!) Some of his favorite things are, pulling Mama's hair, anything red, playing in the water, eating, being outside, and funny noises! I never could of imagined 6 months ago how much joy this little boy could bring to this family! Colton, your Mama and Daddy love you with all our heart and soul! This video has some of my favorite pictures from the last 6 months. :)


GeeGee said...

october24Liked the video. We can't believe our little man has grown so big in six months and is doing so many fun things. We love him so much and miss getting to see him often. He is such a handsome boy. Love to you all.

GeGe and PaPa

Nana Norrid said...

The video came right up here at the house. You did a good job Erica on the music and the pictures. But you had a very good subject to video our little sweetum's. Thank you for our little blessing we love you all.

Love Nana and Poopaw

leahknick said...

That is the sweetest video ever! I can't believe he is six months old! I loved having lunch with both of you today! :)