Sunday, July 13, 2008

A Week With Grammie

Grammie giving Colton a drink.

Grammie feeding Colton.

Colton riding his pretend horse (aka as Grammie's leg).

Colton laughing with Grumps.

Grammie and Colton looking for Grumps at the airport.

Colton found Grumps!

Grumps and Grammie bought Colton a swing for the backyard, he loves it!

Grammie came and stayed the week with Colton, while I was at a workshop. Colton and Grammie enjoyed spending time together. On Friday we went to the airport and picked up Grumps. Thank you Grammie for staying with Colton, we appreciate it! :) And Colton had fun with you!

1 comment:

the smith family said...

Looks like Colton had a big time with Grammie & Grumps! That is the same swing that Gracie has and she LOVES it! I cannot believe how big Colton has gotten!