Sunday, May 18, 2008

Fun In The Park

Colton is waiting for his Mom and Dad to finish eating.

Big Bubba and Dad looking for some ducks to feed.

We went to the park today to enjoy the beautiful weather. We had a picnic and fed the ducks. The ducks seemed very picky and did not eat much. They probably get tired of all the bread they are fed. I didn't get any pictures of the ducks because I am scared of birds! I don't think Colton was not very impressed with the park, he just slept. I am sure their will be a day when Colton will be too excited to sleep, when we visit the park.

1 comment:

GeeGee said...

I can't believe we have such a big handsome boy. He looks like he is enjoying the sunshine. Sure would like to get hold of him and steal some hugs and kisses.

Love you all,
PaPa and GeGe