The Making Memories Team will be officially homeless on July 17th. (If everything goes as planned.)We put our house up for sale about a week ago and got a really good offer on Saturday, so we took it! Jacob and I have been contemplating selling our house for a while now. We LOVE our house...but it is just getting too small. We are going to miss our wood floors, our trees, but these are just things, in the big scheme of things that don't really matter. Our baby boy (and someday a future baby) matters the most and this is who we are doing this for! We aren't sure where we will be moving but we do now it will be some where in Northwest ISD. I know that the dear Lord above will help us find just what we are looking for!
Happy house hunting to us! :)
Keep the faith and you will find the right house for you and your family remember mom knows best.
CONGRATS!!! YAY! We have a tent if you need to borrow it....if you haven't found anything in time.... kidding! I am SURE you guys will find just the right place! Hope you are having a good summer!
Congratulations on selling your house, and best of luck finding the perfect home for your (hopefully someday!) growing family!! Asher is beautiful, and I know Bub can't wait to show him off to y'all, and I can't wait to show Ethan off, either!! Hopefully we can all get together soon because I STILL haven't met that precious boy of yours!! Baby boys are the best, for sure!!!
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