Sunday, September 21, 2008

First 5K

Team Hughes

Colton and his Momma after the race.

So I finally ran my first 5K after having Colton. The race benefited the Community Store House in Keller, it was the annual Race In The Dark. Several other teachers from my school participated. I ran it in 25 minutes and 31 seconds, not my fastest time, but it was not my slowest! It was a lot of fun and it gave me the fever to run some more! I told Colton he would be running them with me someday and beatting me! :)


the smith family said...

Way to go!!!! Are yall still on-board for the TURKEY TROT? What about Grumps & Giggles (or whatever their grandparent names are...) Sandy is IN!

Nana Norrid said...

I was glad I could be there to see you run your race and take care of Colton while you ran I think we all had a good time. You did awesome.
Love Mom and Nana

Magen said...

Great job at your race!! Wish I could've been there. I can wait much longer to see that precious baby boy! Miss yall bunches!
Love ya,
Aunt Magen