Saturday, September 13, 2008

1st Football Season

Colton is getting ready for the Texas Tech/SMU game. He is wearing his new Texas Tech gear that Anna gave him, a fellow Texas Tech Alumni!

Colton looks so excited to watch his first game on TV.

Colton pulling up.

Colton is very excited about his 1st football season. Okay, maybe his Dad is excited about Colton's 1st football season! Colton is now crawling like a pro and pulling up on anything and everything. He is getting in another tooth, this one is on the top. He had to go to the doctor on Monday for his first cold. The doctor gave him some antibiotics and he is good to go now. This is the first time he has had to go to the doctor for being sick! We have been so fortunate. :)


leahknick said...

Look how precious he is!! He looks ready for some football!! :)

Nana Norrid said...

To cute go Colton and go Red Raiders hope they had a good time watching that game it was a pretty good game atleast they won. Colton your #1 in Nana and Poopaw eyes.

All our love
Nana and Poopaw

Magen said...

What a handsome boy!! I miss yall so much. It is so hard to believe that he is getting so big. Give him all the kisses for me!!
Love yall lots,
Aunt Magen and Uncle Micah

Mike & Sharon said...

Colton has turned into a little man. He is so precious and I miss him so much.

Does Larry give him "cuddles" as well as I did??? (Hope not)

Love you guys
