Saturday, August 23, 2008

Not One But Two!!!

Colton has not one, but two teeth on the bottom! I felt his first tooth on Wednesday and last night Jacob discovered the other one. He will not let us look in his mouth and you can't see them when he smiles, but you can fill them! He is also starting to army crawl, I am sure he will be doing the real thing soon! I can't believe how fast he is changing!


Magen said...

I can't believe he is getting his first teeth already.... It does not seem like he is old enough for that! These better be the real deal and not mashed potatoes!!!!haha Hope to see yall sometime soon. Give Colton a big hug & kiss for us!
Love ya,
Uncle Micah and Aunt Magen

Nana Norrid said...

Colton before you know it you will be crawling walking and eating a ear of corn or apple. Nana and Poopaw love you and will see you soon as we can. all our love

The Pierce Family said...

I love it!! He's developing a whole new big boy smile! The pics are precious! (Of course he won't let you feel those pearly whites - it took a lot of work and pain to grow them!)