Sunday, April 27, 2008


Colton's Gigi and Papa came and stayed with him during the day while his mom and dad worked this last week. He had so much fun with them. He enjoyed watching his Gigi cook delicious meals every night. He and Papa loved to sit in the garage and watch the leaves fall from the trees. Gigi and Papa loved to sing nursery rhymes to him. Thank you so much for coming up to keep Colton. We loved having you both here. We love yall!

This is Colton's new favorite facial expression!

Gigi and Papa thought Colton's new facial expression was hilarious.


GeeGee said...

Hi Sweet Boy,

GiGi and PaPa are sure going to miss seeing you everyday and keeping you and doing all the things we did together. We are so glad that Mama and Daddy wanted us to come stay with you. We will see you before long. Don't let NaNa spoil you to much while she is keeping you. We love you very much.

leahknick said...

If my name shows up as "lkinker" you will know it is me! :) Colton is the cutest little guy ever!!!

leahknick said...

YAY!!!!! It says leahknick!!! :)