Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Dad's Team

I really like this picture! Colton in wearing an out fit that his Gigi got him. I can't believe in a few days he is going to be 3 months old. Where has the time gone? He is holding his head up pretty good and smiling a lot. He enjoys playing with his baby gym, he is really interested in the red bird that hangs down. I am just waiting for him to giggle! I went to a baby sell last night and while I was there Jacob got to change his first "dirty" diaper. I wish I could of gotten some pictures of that! :)


Lori said...

It was fun running into you last night!! I hope you found some good bargains!

GeeGee said...

You look handsome in your outfit. I guess since Dad had to change your dirty diaper you can be teammates. He should get real good at changing in the two weeks he has duty. We had a good time with you and your Mom during your first visit to Lubbock. Maybe next time you will let Dad come along.

Hugs and Kisses,
GiGi and Great Grandad

Unknown said...

I was just smitten by you. You are such a handsome little one and such a good baby. I'm glad your Mom invited me over and I hope to see you on your next visit and maybe we can get in the floor and play. Give mom a hug for me.
